Finse, Færder, and Fredriksten form a spacious and airy room with natural daylight, featuring four screens and flexible partitioning options.
The room is highly adaptable and works well as a group room. It offers plenty of daylight and state-of-the-art AV equipment. Group table setup: 8-person tables: 48 people, 6-person tables: 42 people, 4-person tables: 48 people
Sensor cameras with built-in microphones.
3 microphones.
3 Full-HD projectors with HDMI connection.
BOSE speaker system providing excellent sound in the room.
We have dynamic pricing on the day packages, please contact for exact price.
Do you need a hybrid conference, where participants can participate either physically or digitally?
We will help you on all occasions, tailoring the event just the way you want it.
Hybrid arrangement includes:
- Camera production
- Technician
- Vimeo/Teams/Zoom license
- One or two-way communication
- Possibility of external speakers
- Up to 6 speakers at the same time